Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 10_Criminology

Week 10_Criminology

Q In discussing date rape, think of current issues, e.g. Bill Cosby and respond to the question whether date rape remains a societal problem. Discuss based on the information presented, how should one be prosecuted if found guilty of this crime?

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The current statistics on date rape says that the exact condition on rape is very much hard to determine, though in the present time almost 20% of the women have said that they have been raped once in their lifetime. Here, I would like to mention that date rape worldwide is very much difficult to measure and estimate and it will probably remain same unless and until proper changes will be made in the collection of sexual assault statics. Date rape is becoming harder to estimate because the number of substances or drugs to be abused to indulge a woman in becoming a victim is increasing. Previously, alcohols and minimum drugs were used for making a negative effect on the memory.